Growing up, I often heard my mom quote this line from a well-known Christian poem:


“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”


For more than two decades, as we have built The Singularis Group into a thriving enterprise that elects principled political leaders nationwide, those words have echoed in my ears.  We have been blessed with tremendous success and so have our clients.  But as important as the work is that we – and you – do, we recognize that our impact on this world, whether in business or politics, is fleeting.


But what if we – and you — partnered together to do something that truly changes the trajectory of lives we may never know? What if, by working together, we not only were able to impact the future of our political system here and now, but were able to intervene in and dramatically improve the lives of widows, orphans, and foster kids around the world?


To that end, Echo and I made the commitment this year to contribute 10% of all profits generated by The Singularis Group and its affiliates to charities that are in the trenches, directly impacting the lives of those who desperately seek hope, love and compassion.


The first is Faces With Names, a ministry that is on the front lines rescuing, feeding and housing orphans abandoned in Uganda.  We urge you to visit to discover the fascinating story about how a chance (we believe divinely arranged) encounter connected its founder, Eric Mills, to a Ugandan king who had a burden to  feed, clothe, and share God’s love with kids who literally have nothing.  The exuberant joy expressed by these kids and their caretakers in some of the videos — in the face of what would otherwise seem like hopelessness — will leave you humbled and likely a little teary.


When you allow us to partner with you in your electoral success, please know you are also partnering with these vital front-line ministries to truly impact lives, both now and for eternity. Though there’s certainly no pressure to do so, in addition to supporting this vital cause by doing business with The Singularis Group, we invite you to experience the blessing of personally supporting and sharing with these most deserving kids.  You may never know what just a few dollars may mean in changing the trajectory of an orphan’s life.